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Hims analyzed the top-selling non-alcoholic beer brands and ranked 25 popular NA beers based on four types of nutritional data. more
Blueprintshares tips on how to thrive during winter by maintaining good sleep quality and strong mental health. more
SmartAsset ranked 610 cities across the U.S. based on one-year and five-year declines in population, along with changes in the working-age population, to understand broader trends. more
Hone Health provides a science-backed answer to the benefits and drawbacks of alcohol when it comes to life span and quality. more
The LA Post breaks down the winter activities close to Los Angeles for those seeking a break from the sun and sand. more
(BPT) - Sponsored by GSKThis is Allison's personal multiple myeloma story, and others may be different. Allison is a paid spokesperson for GSK.Allison's StoryWhen the back pain, exhaustion and string … more
(BPT) - As he approached his 40th birthday, Andrew began experiencing strange symptoms — fatigue, bone pain and frequent trips to the bathroom. Though unsettling, "I didn't think much of them … more
(Family Features) More than 4.2 million Americans live with glaucoma, a leading cause of vision loss in the nation. Although there is no cure for glaucoma, early detection and treatment can stop this condition in its tracks. more
(Family Features) Freelancers, creatives and on-the-go leaders know they can only go as far as their tech takes them. Make sure you - or the loved ones in your life - can harness the power of productivity with the latest gadgets. more
(Family Features) Around the start of a new year, many people are setting their wellness intentions, from incorporating a variety of greens into meals to boosting daily step goals, drinking more water and practicing gratitude. more
(NewsUSA) - Cada 2 segundos, alguna persona en los Estados Unidos necesita sangre.  Una sola donación puede salvar vidas. En cualquier momento se puede presentar escasez en el suministro de sangre … more
(NewsUSA) - Every 2 seconds, someone in the United States needs blood, and a single donation can save lives. Shortages in the nation’s blood supply can happen any time. Donors, especially those … more
Two professors explain why and how their approach creates a richly textured understanding of the American Dream. more
The winter solstice is past, but bundle up – January is when winter really arrives in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere. more
Sound sleep, for long enough every night, with consistent bed and wake-up times are critical for kids’ health. A child development expert suggests some overarching tips to help get you there. more
The Hechinger Report answers some of the questions raised by the possible dismantling of the department, consulting experts and advocates on student loans, special education, financial aid, school lunch and beyond. more
Charles Schulz’s TV special survived the skepticism of network executives to become a holiday classic. more
This evergreen plant has some tricky ways to get ahead, but it’s a valuable part of the ecosystem. more
The Conversation shares research-based reasons why working out with others may help you keep your New Year's resolution. more
Many people who took part in a series of studies overestimated the negative consequences of sending a late gift. more
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