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Associated Press Daybook-Tuesday-General for Tuesday, Dec. 20.

The daybook is for planning purposes only and is not intended for publication or broadcast. You should verify any event you plan to cover.

Please keep the AP in mind when news develops. The DC bureau is reachable at 202-641-9713 and 202-641-9714. Send daybook items to [email protected].

To see your Daybooks and events for Washington DC and other States up to 12 months ahead, speak to your bureau or sales rep about access to AP Planner, or visit http://applanner.com.


Tuesday, Dec. 20 9:00 AM Brookings debate on whether crypto regulation - 'Should crypto be regulated by the federal government?' Brookings Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy debate, with speakers University of Pennsylvania Wharton School associate professor Peter Conti-Brown, and Brandeis International Business School Rosen Family Chair in International Finance Stephen Cecchetti

Location: Virtual Event

Weblinks: http://www.brookings.edu, https://twitter.com/BrookingsInst, #ValueChain

Contacts: Brookings Institution, [email protected], 1 202 797 6105; Brookings Institution, [email protected], 1 202 797 6197;


Tuesday, Dec. 20 10:00 AM Hudson Institute discussion on upcoming Nigerian election - 'Understanding Nigeria's Pivotal 2023 Election' Hudson Institute discussion on the upcoming Nigerian presidential election and 'what implications this election will have for West Africa.' Speakers include Centre for Democracy and Development Senior Fellow Jibrin Ibrahim, 'Nigeria's Fourth Republic' author Dr Michael Nwankpa, and HumAngle Armed Violence Reporter and Assistant Editor Murtala Abdullahi

Location: Virtual Event

Weblinks: http://www.hudson.org, https://twitter.com/HudsonInstitute

Contacts: Hudson Institute, [email protected], 1 202 974 2400


Tuesday, Dec. 20 11:00 AM Wilson Center discussion with Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso - 'A Conversation with Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso' Wilson Center Latin American Program, Inter-American Dialogue, the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center at the Atlantic Council, and the Center for Strategic International Studies Americas Program discussion with Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso on the next steps to advance U.S.-Ecuador relations, as well as on the outlook for democracy in the Western Hemisphere

Location: Virtual Event

Weblinks: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/, https://twitter.com/TheWilsonCenter

Contacts: Ryan McKenna, Wilson Center, [email protected], 1 202 691 4217


Tuesday, Dec. 20 2:30 PM BPC discussion on Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities programs - 'Improving the Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities' Bipartisan Policy Center discussion on 'the value of Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities programs, implementation challenges, and BPC's policy recommendations to improve opportunities for workers with disabilities.' Participants include Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Senior Policy Adviser Kathy Hempstead, Consultant Annette Shea, Brandeis University Community Living Policy Center Policy Director Henry Claypool, Kansas Department of Health and Energy Working Healthy Director Nancy Scott and The Arc Minnesota Equity and Justice Director Brittanie Hernandez-Wilson

Location: Virtual Event

Weblinks: http://www.bipartisanpolicy.org, https://twitter.com/BPC_Bipartisan

Contacts: BPC, [email protected], 1 202 204 2400



Wednesday, Dec. 21 9:00 AM PIIE discussion on free trade agreements improving labor conditions - 'Can free trade agreements improve labor conditions? Peterson Institute for International Economics discussion asking if 'provisions can really induce companies to improve labor conditions, and how' and if 'trade also address the problem of forced labor'. Participants include Miami University's Kathleen Claussen, International Labor Organization Freedom of Association Branch Chief Karen Curtis and European Commission Directorate-General for Trade Madelaine Tuininga

Location: Virtual Event

Weblinks: http://www.piie.com, https://twitter.com/PIIE

Contacts: Peterson Institute meetings, [email protected]


Wednesday, Dec. 21 10:00 AM BPC discussion on the future of mining - 'Mining in the Future' Bipartisan Policy Center discussion on 'innovative mining processes and steps to ensure a more environmentally and socially responsible industry'. Participants include U.S. Department of the Interior Deputy Secretary Tommy Beaudreau, Nevada Mining Association President Tyre Gray, Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE) Critical Minerals Strategy Vice President and Director Abigail Wulfe and Talon Metals Head of Climate Strategy and Chief External Affairs Officer Todd Malan

Location: Virtual Event

Weblinks: http://www.bipartisanpolicy.org, https://twitter.com/BPC_Bipartisan

Contacts: BPC, [email protected], 1 202 204 2400