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AP-Network 3:15 pes


Biden Pardon Legacy <<CAT:Government and Politics>>

Biden Pardon Legacy-legacy intro and wrap 021

apa402302-Wrap--WASHINGTON-(Sagar Meghani (SAH'-gur meh-GAH'-nee), AP Washington correspondent, with White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre)-“Sagar Meghani, Washington”-AP Washington correspondent Sagar Meghani reports on President Biden's move to pardon his son.

<<CUT *402302 (12/02/24)>>

Kansas Detective Sexual Abuse <<CAT:General News-US Domestic>>

Kansas Detective Sexual Abuse-intro vcr

apa402298-Voicer--TOPEKA, Kan.-(Haya Panjwani (hy-YUH' punj-WAH'-nee), AP correspondent)-“I'm Haya Panjwani”-AP correspondent Haya Panjwani reports on an ex-Kansas detective who was set to be on trial

<<CUT *402298 (12/02/24)>>